2023-04-18 20:13:53 +02:00

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# FusionDirectory Docker
Basic Docker image for FusionDirectory web server
## Installation
You can use the [docker-compose.yml](./docker-compose.yml) example file.
### Welcome
On the first run of FusionDirectory, you have to configure the application, go to the server, like [http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080).
For the authentication, run this command with the `INSTALLATION_TOKEN` given at the bottom of the first page:
docker exec fusiondirectory bash -c 'echo -n INSTALLATION_TOKEN /var/cache/fusiondirectory/fusiondirectory.auth'
### Language setup & Installation check
Select a language and confirm that all the installation check is Ok.
### LDAP setup
On the LDAP connection setup, you have to fill:
* `Connection URI` with the LDAP URI, example: `ldap://openldap:389`
* `Base` with the LDPA base DN, example: `dc=example,dc=org`
* `Admin DN` with the DN of the LDAP admin, example: `cn=admin`
* `Admin password`: with the password of the LDAP admin , example: `example`
Refresh the status and if it's succeeded go to the next page.
### FusionDirectory configuration
You can customize FusionDirectory here, you don't have to, the default values are good.
### LDAP inspection
Run every LDAP migration and create the FusionDirectory's admin user.
You can go to the next page when every check is Ok/green.
### Finish
You can download the configuration file and place it into the FusionDirectory etc volume as `fusiondirectory.conf` and run:
``` bash
docker exec -it fusiondirectory fusiondirectory-setup --check-config
Now you can press next, you will be redirected to the login page. You can use the FusionDirectory's admin user credentials created earlier to login.
## Environment variables
| Variable | Value |
| `FD_PLUGINS` | Space separated list of plugins name |