from libqtile.config import Key, Screen, Group, Drag, Click from libqtile.lazy import lazy from libqtile import layout, bar, widget, hook from typing import List # noqa: F401 from os import getenv, environ, execl from subprocess import run, Popen, PIPE, STDOUT import widget_custom mod = "mod4" newpath = getenv("PATH").replace("/opt/qtile/venv/bin", "") exitvenv = f"env -u VIRTUAL_ENV PATH='{newpath}'" def cmd_run(prompt, sudo=False): name = "cmd" if sudo: name += "(root)" def f(args): if sudo: args = f"sudo -A {args}" Popen(f"{exitvenv} {args}", shell=True) prompt.start_input(name, f, "cmd") def hard_restart(misc): execl("/opt/qtile/qtile-venv-entry", " ") keys = [ # Switch between windows in current stack pane Key([mod], "Left", lazy.layout.down()), Key([mod], "Right", lazy.layout.up()), # Move windows up or down in current stack Key([mod, "control"], "Left", lazy.layout.shuffle_down()), Key([mod, "control"], "Right", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()), # Move windows to another stack Key([mod, "shift"], "Left", lazy.layout.client_to_previous()), Key([mod, "shift"], "Right", lazy.layout.client_to_next()), # Switch window focus to other pane(s) of stack Key([mod], "Tab",, # Swap panes of split stack Key([mod, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.rotate()), # Toggle between split and unsplit sides of stack. # Split = all windows displayed # Unsplit = 1 window displayed, like Max layout, but still with # multiple stack panes Key([mod, "shift"], "Return", lazy.layout.toggle_split()), # Toggle between different layouts as defined below Key([mod], "space", lazy.next_layout()), Key([mod], "w", lazy.window.kill()), # Windows opacity Key([mod, "shift"], "o", lazy.window.down_opacity()), Key([mod, "shift"], "t", lazy.window.up_opacity()), # Qtile managment Key([mod, "control"], "r", lazy.restart()), Key([mod, "control"], "f", lazy.function(hard_restart)), Key([mod, "control"], "q", lazy.shutdown()), Key([mod, "control"], "s", lazy.spawn("systemctl poweroff")), Key([mod, "control"], "v", lazy.spawn("xtrlock"), lazy.spawn("systemctl suspend")), # Run Key([mod], "r", lazy.widget["prompt"].function(cmd_run)), Key([mod, "shift"], "r", lazy.widget["prompt"].function(cmd_run, True)), # Lock Key([mod], "l", lazy.spawn(f"xtrlock")), Key([mod, "control"], "l", lazy.spawn(f"parrots -n 9 -l")), Key([mod, "shift"], "l", lazy.spawn(f"xtrlock -b")), # Brightness Key(["mod1"], "F7", lazy.spawn("xbrightness 0.5")), Key(["mod1"], "F6", lazy.spawn("xbrightness +0.2")), Key(["mod1"], "F5", lazy.spawn("xbrightness -0.2")), # Audio Key([], "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", lazy.spawn("amixer -c 0 -D default -q set Master 2%+")), Key([], "XF86AudioLowerVolume", lazy.spawn("amixer -c 0 -D default -q set Master 2%-")), Key([], "XF86AudioMute", lazy.spawn("amixer -c 0 -D default -q set Master toggle")), # Apps Key([mod, "mod1"], "k", lazy.spawn(f"{exitvenv} kitty")), Key([mod, "mod1"], "v", lazy.spawn(f"{exitvenv} vivaldi")), Key([mod, "mod1"], "d", lazy.spawn(f"{exitvenv} discord")), Key([mod, "mod1"], "t", lazy.spawn(f"{exitvenv} telegram-desktop")), # Notify Key([mod, "mod1"], "Right", lazy.widget["notify"].next()), Key([mod, "mod1"], "Left", lazy.widget["notify"].prev()), Key([mod, "mod1"], "Down", lazy.widget["notify"].clear()), ] groups = [] for i in [["F1", "\N{globe with meridians}"], ["F2", "\N{incoming envelope}"], ["F3", "\N{briefcase}"], ["F4", "\N{floppy disk}"], ["F5", "\N{bookmark tabs}"], ["F6", "\N{video game}"]]: groups.append(Group(i[1])) keys.extend([ Key([mod], i[0],[i[1]].toscreen()), Key([mod, "shift"], i[0], lazy.window.togroup(i[1], switch_group=True)) ]) layouts = [ layout.Max(), layout.Stack(num_stacks=2), # Try more layouts by unleashing below layouts. # layout.Bsp(), #layout.Columns(), #layout.Matrix(), #layout.MonadTall(), #layout.MonadWide(), #layout.RatioTile(), #layout.Tile() #layout.TreeTab(), #layout.VerticalTile(), #layout.Zoomy(), ] widget_defaults = dict( font='sans', fontsize=12, padding=3, ) extension_defaults = widget_defaults.copy() screens = [] # Drag floating layouts. mouse = [ Drag([mod], "Button1", lazy.window.set_position_floating(), start=lazy.window.get_position()), Drag([mod], "Button3", lazy.window.set_size_floating(), start=lazy.window.get_size()), Click([mod], "Button2", lazy.window.toggle_floating()), ] dgroups_key_binder = None dgroups_app_rules = [] # type: List follow_mouse_focus = True bring_front_click = False cursor_warp = False floating_layout = layout.Floating(float_rules=[ {'wmclass': 'confirm'}, {'wmclass': 'dialog'}, {'wmclass': 'download'}, {'wmclass': 'error'}, {'wmclass': 'file_progress'}, {'wmclass': 'notification'}, {'wmclass': 'splash'}, {'wmclass': 'toolbar'}, {'wmclass': 'confirmreset'}, # gitk {'wmclass': 'makebranch'}, # gitk {'wmclass': 'maketag'}, # gitk {'wname': 'branchdialog'}, # gitk {'wname': 'pinentry'}, # GPG key password entry {'wname': 'Onboard'}, {'wmclass': 'ssh-askpass'}, # ssh-askpass ]) auto_fullscreen = True focus_on_window_activation = "smart" @hook.subscribe.client_new def auto_group(c): if == "Vivaldi - Vivaldi": c.togroup("\N{globe with meridians}") elif in ["Discord", "Telegram"]: c.togroup("\N{incoming envelope}") elif == "Typora": c.togroup("\N{briefcase}") elif == "win0": c.togroup("\N{floppy disk}") elif == "docs": c.togroup("\N{bookmark tabs}") elif in ["Lutris", "Shadow"]: c.togroup("\N{video game}") @hook.subscribe.screen_change def restart_on_randr(qtile, ev): qtile.cmd_restart() def main(q): ps_screens = int(run("xrandr -q | grep ' connected' | wc -l", shell=True, stdout=PIPE).stdout) screens.clear() for i in range(ps_screens): print(1) screens.append(Screen( top=bar.Bar( [ widget.CurrentLayoutIcon(), widget.GroupBox(hide_unused=True), widget.Prompt(), widget.TaskList(txt_floating="🗗", txt_maximized="🗖", txt_minimized="🗕"), widget.Systray(), #widget.Notify(), widget.CheckUpdates(custom_command="apt list --upgradable", execute="sudo -A apt update", display_format="{updates}", colour_have_updates="ff7300", colour_no_updates="5eff00"), widget.Sep(), widget.CPU(format="{load_percent}%"), widget_custom.Memory(), widget.ThermalSensor(tag_sensor="Core 0"), widget.Sep(), widget.Wlan(disconnected_message="", interface="wlp1s0"), widget.Net(format="{down}\u2193\u2191{up}"), widget.Sep(), #widget.BatteryIcon(battery="BATC"), widget.Battery(charge_char="\N{electric plug}", discharge_char="\N{battery}", empty_char="\N{cross mark}", unknown_char="\N{question mark}", battery="BATC", format="{char}{percent:2.0%} {hour:d}:{min:02d}", low_percentage=0.35, hide_threshold=True), widget.Volume(front="material-design-icons-iconfont",emoji=True), widget.Clock(format='%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'), ], 24, ) )) Popen("/usr/lib/notification-daemon/notification-daemon") Popen(["nextcloud", "--background"]) Popen("kdeconnect-indicator") wmname = "LG3D"