47 lines
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47 lines
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from ipaddress import IPv4Network, IPv4Address, AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError
from randmac import RandMac
def ipv4(prefix: str, ipl: [IPv4Address] = None, macl: [str] = None) -> [(IPv4Address, str, IPv4Address, int)]:
This function generate a list of IPs and MACs to insert.
If a list is given, they avoid duplicated entry with list, for duplicated IP the MAC will be set to None.
:param prefix: The IPs prefix
:type prefix: IPv4Address
:param ipl: A list of IPs
:type ipl: [IPv4Address]
:param macl: A list of MACs
:type macl: [str]
:return: list of tuple with IP, MAC, subnet mask and cidr
:rtype: [(IPv4Address, str, IPv4Address, int)]
if ipl is None:
ipl = []
if macl is None:
macl = []
out = []
# Check if prefix is valid
ips = IPv4Network(prefix)
except (ValueError, AddressValueError, NetmaskValueError):
raise ValueError("Invalid prefix !")
subnet_mask = ips.netmask
cidr = ips.prefixlen
# For all ip in prefix
for ip in ips.hosts():
mac = None
if ip not in ipl:
mac = str(RandMac("00:00:00:00:00:00", True))
while mac in macl:
mac = str(RandMac("00:00:00:00:00:00", True))
out.append((ip, mac, subnet_mask, cidr))
return out