# Kitty Parrots A fish scrip to show you parrots in kitty You need [fish](https://fishshell.com), [kitty](https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/) and [terminal-parrot](https://github.com/jmhobbs/terminal-parrot) in you patch ## How to use * `parrots.fish -h`: show a geart HALP ! * `parrots.fish -b`: launch parrots in background * `parrots.fish -d`: stop parrots in background * `parrots.fish -c`: launch parrots in current kitty terminal (need allow remote control) * `parrots.fish -s`: set a time to live of parrots * `parrots.fish -l`: use parrots to lock your computer ! (need xtrlock) * `parrots.fish -i`: instant spawn of parrots * `parrots.fish -n`: set number of parrots to display * `parrots.fish -d`: to active debug mode (verbose)