<h1>Secure Socket Service</h1>
A simple but useful socket service I will use and update in the course of my projects
<h2>What is the secure ?</h2>
The connexion between two sockets is by default encrypted, a encryption key is pass from the server to the client with a pair of private and a public key
Also the server and the client check her "service id" to make sure it's the same app (yes it's easy to hack but it's a security, maybe upgrade later)
<h2>How to use it ?</h2>
Look at the [wiki](https://github.com/flifloo/SecureSocketService/wiki) ;3
This project is on the [MIT license](https://github.com/flifloo/SecureSocketService/blob/master/LICENSE)
<h2>Projects that use the SSS</h2>
* [Morpion](https://github.com/flifloo/Morpion)
* More soon !