Add custom player info window like name and paw, also a on_close function to stop correctly the program and some little fix/change

This commit is contained in:
Ethanell 2019-07-09 16:21:31 +02:00
parent e3ba3b6805
commit 7232aa9bd8

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@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
from tkinter import Tk, Label, Button, Frame, StringVar
from tkinter.messagebox import showwarning
from tkinter import Tk, Label, Button, Entry, Frame, LabelFrame, StringVar
from tkinter.messagebox import showwarning, showerror, askokcancel
from Morpion import Board
DEFAULT_BUTTON = " " # Default Morpion button text
def on_closing():
"""When a windows want to close, show a warning and exit correctly the program"""
if askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit?"): # Ask to close
def result(r: int):
"""r (int): 0 = Anyone win, 1 = Player 1 win, 2 = Player 2 win, 3 = Equality
Use the result of a party to reset and announce if necessary"""
@ -26,14 +32,55 @@ def case(posi: int):
Action when a button is used"""
buttons[posi].config(state="disabled", text=board.curr_turn[0].pawn) # Disable and set player pawn on the button
result(board.turn(posi)) # Make player turn and return the result of the party
turn.set(board.curr_turn[0]) # Update player turn display
turn.set(f"{board.curr_turn[0]} turn !") # Update player turn display
board = Board() # Create a board
def set_players():
"""Set players paws and name before start the party"""
if "" in [p1_paw.get(), p1_name.get(), p2_paw.get(), p2_name.get()]: # check if any empty entry
showerror("Error", "A entry is blank !") # Show a warning
elif p1_paw.get() == p2_paw.get(): # Check if players paws are same
showerror("Error", "Players paws are identical !") # Show a warning
elif p1_name.get() == p2_name.get(): # Check if players names are same
showerror("Error", "Players names are identical !") # Show a warning
else: # If everything is fine
players.destroy() # Quite the windows to let the party begin
# Create base window
# Create players config window
players = Tk()
players.title("Players configs")
players.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing) # Set action when windows is closing
# Create a frame for players info and submit button
players_f = Frame(players)
# Create two frame for each player info
players_p1f = LabelFrame(players_f, text="Player 1")
players_p2f = LabelFrame(players_f, text="Player 2")
players_p1f.grid(row=0, column=0)
players_p2f.grid(row=0, column=1)
p1_paw, p1_name, p2_paw, p2_name = StringVar(), StringVar(), StringVar(), StringVar() # Setup entry value
# Generate symmetrically widgets for player infos
for i in [[players_p1f, p1_paw, p1_name], [players_p2f, p2_paw, p2_name]]: # List contain the frame and the entry var
Label(i[0], text="Player name:").pack()
Entry(i[0], textvariable=i[2], width=20).pack()
Label(i[0], text="Player paw:").pack()
Entry(i[0], textvariable=i[1], width=5).pack()
Button(players, text="Submit", command=set_players).pack() # Create the submit button
board = Board(p1_paw.get(), p1_name.get(), p2_paw.get(), p2_name.get()) # Create a party board
# Create party window
windows = Tk()
windows.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing) # Set action when windows is closing
Label(windows, text="Morpion").pack() # Add a text
@ -44,9 +91,8 @@ f.pack()
# Setup variable string display
turn = StringVar()
scoreboard = StringVar()
turn.set(f"{board.curr_turn[0]} turn !")
scoreboard.set(f"{board.player1}: {board.player1.points}/{board.player2}: {board.player2.points}")
Label(windows, textvariable=turn).pack()
Label(windows, textvariable=scoreboard).pack()