Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Ethanell 2019-07-08 21:10:01 +02:00
commit 622a8ad6eb
2 changed files with 187 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
class Player:
"""self, number (int), pawn (str)
A player of the party"""
def __init__(self, number: int, pawn: str):
"""self, number (int), pawn (str), name (str)
A player of the party"""
self.number = number # The number of the player
self.pawn = pawn # The paw of the player
self.pawns = list() # All the paws on the grid of the player
self.points = 0 # The points of the player
def add_pawn(self, enemy: list, pos: int):
"""self, enemy (list), pos (int)
Check if position is free by the enemy grid and add to the grid"""
if (pos not in self.pawns) and (pos not in enemy): # Check the enemy grid
self.pawns.append(pos) # Add the paw to the player grid
return True
return False
def check(self):
Check if the player have a matching grid for win"""
return (
# Horizontal check
( # First line
(0 in self.pawns) and (1 in self.pawns) and (2 in self.pawns)
) or ( # Second line
(3 in self.pawns) and (4 in self.pawns) and (5 in self.pawns)
) or ( # Third line
(6 in self.pawns) and (7 in self.pawns) and (8 in self.pawns)
) or ( # Vertical check
# First line
(0 in self.pawns) and (3 in self.pawns) and (6 in self.pawns)
) or ( # Second line
(1 in self.pawns) and (4 in self.pawns) and (7 in self.pawns)
) or ( # Third line
(2 in self.pawns) and (5 in self.pawns) and (8 in self.pawns)
) or ( # Cross check
# Top-left to bottom-right
(0 in self.pawns) and (4 in self.pawns) and (8 in self.pawns)
) or ( # Bottom-left to top-right
(2 in self.pawns) and (5 in self.pawns) and (6 in self.pawns)
def gameover(self, result: int):
"""self, result (int): 0 = Loose, 1 = Equality, 2 = Win
Reset player grid and add points from the result of the party"""
self.pawns = list() # Grid reset
self.points += result # Add result
def __str__(self):
Send back the player's name"""
return f"Player {self.number}"
def __int__(self):
Send back the player's number"""
return self.number
def __iter__(self):
Setup iterable for paws list"""
self.iterable = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
Return iterable of paws"""
if self.iterable <= len(self.pawns)-1: # check is not exceed
self.iterable += 1
return self.pawns[self.iterable-1]
raise StopIteration
class Board:
A party object"""
def __init__(self):
A party object"""
self.player1 = Player(1, "O") # Set player 1
self.player2 = Player(2, "X") # Set player 2
self.curr_turn = [self.player1, self.player2] # Set turn order
def check(self):
Check if someone win the game"""
if ((len(self.player1.pawns) == 4) and (len(self.player2.pawns) == 4))\
and not (self.player1.check() and not self.player2.check()): # Check equality
return 3
elif self.player1.check(): # Check player 1
return 1
elif self.player2.check(): # Check player 2
return 2
else: # If nobody win
return 0
def turn(self, pos: int):
"""self, pos (int)
Make a turn from the play order and the given position"""
if self.curr_turn[0].add_pawn(self.curr_turn[1], pos): # Add a pawn if possible on the grid
self.curr_turn = self.curr_turn[::-1] # Change turn order
return self.check() # Return the result of the party
else: # If position is not valid, return 4 as an error
return 4
def show(self):
Show a basic text grid"""
pawns = dict()
# Set default grid text
for i in range(9):
pawns[i] = " "
# For each player entry get their grid
for p in self.curr_turn:
for i in list(p):
pawns[i] = p.pawn
# Format and print the grid from the dict
board = f"""P1: {self.player1.points} | P2: {self.player2.points}

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
from tkinter import Tk, Label, Button, Frame, StringVar
from tkinter.messagebox import showwarning
from Morpion import Board
DEFAULT_BUTTON = " " # Default Morpion button text
def result(r: int):
"""r (int): 0 = Anyone win, 1 = Player 1 win, 2 = Player 2 win, 3 = Equality
Use the result of a party to reset and announce if necessary"""
if r: # If 0, nothing to do
if r in [1, 2]: # If someone yin, get the last person who play and mark as winner
ri, r2, text = 2, 0, f"{board.curr_turn[1]} win !"
elif r == 3: # Set equality
r1, r2, text = 1, 1, "Equality"
showwarning("Turn end", text) # Announce the result
for b in range(9): # Reset all the buttons
buttons[b].config(state="normal", text=DEFAULT_BUTTON)
scoreboard.set(f"{board.player1}: {board.player1.points}/{board.player2}: {board.player2.points}") # Scoreboard
def case(posi: int):
"""posi (int) : Position of the button on the grid
Action when a button is used"""
buttons[posi].config(state="disabled", text=board.curr_turn[0].pawn) # Disable and set player pawn on the button
result(board.turn(posi)) # Make player turn and return the result of the party
turn.set(board.curr_turn[0]) # Update player turn display
board = Board() # Create a board
# Create base window
windows = Tk()
Label(windows, text="Morpion").pack() # Add a text
# Create a frame for the grid
f = Frame(windows)
# Setup variable string display
turn = StringVar()
scoreboard = StringVar()
Label(windows, textvariable=turn).pack()
Label(windows, textvariable=scoreboard).pack()
# Create button on the grid
n = 0
buttons = list()
for line in range(3):
for column in range(3):
buttons.append(Button(f, text=DEFAULT_BUTTON, command=lambda n=n: case(n))) # Create and add to the list
buttons[n].grid(row=line, column=column) # Set the button to the grid
n += 1