
202 lines
6.6 KiB

import logging
import json
import pexpect
from os.path import isfile
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep
from app import app, server
from configuration import conf, mcr, mcq, update_users, update_mc
from flask import abort, jsonify, request
from flask_jwt import jwt_required
def update_properties():
Update server.properties with configuration arguments
if isfile(Path(conf["Path"]) / "server.properties"): # Check if properties file exist
logging.info("Check server.properties")
# Get the content of the file
with open(Path(conf["Path"]) / "server.properties", "r") as properties_file:
properties = properties_file.read()
# Default configuration
properties_conf = {"enable-rcon": "true", "enable-query": "true", "rcon.port": conf["Rcon port"],
"query.port": conf["Query port"], "rcon.password": conf["Rcon passwd"]}
properties_conf.update(conf["Properties"]) # Add of extra configuration
for c in properties_conf: # For every configuration
# Get the start, the middle (=) and the end of the configuration
s = properties.find(c)
m = properties.find("=", s)
e = properties.find("\n", m)
if properties[s:m] == c and properties[m + 1:e] != properties_conf[c]: # Check if configurations match
logging.info(f"Change {c} to {properties_conf[c]}")
properties = properties.replace(properties[s:e], f"{c}={properties_conf[c]}") # Update configuration
# Save configuration changes
with open(Path(conf["Path"]) / "server.properties", "w") as properties_file:
def root():
Show server status
:return: Actual status of the server
if server and server.isalive(): # Check is server is online
try: # In case of connexion errors
status = mcq.status()
query = mcq.query()
return f"The server has {status.players.online} players and replied in {status.latency} ms"\
+ "\n Online players: " + ", ".join(query.players.names)
except OSError:
abort(400, "Server did not respond")
return "Server is offline"
def start():
Start the server
:return: Ok if everything is fine, 400 error f server already running
global server # Get the global value for reallocation
if not server or not server.isalive(): # Check if the server is offline
update_properties() # Update server.properties
# Start the server
server = pexpect.spawn("java", ["-Xms"+conf["Server min ram"], "-Xmx"+conf["Server max ram"], "-jar",
conf["Jar server"], "nogui"], cwd=Path(conf["Path"]), echo=False)
if not isfile(Path(conf["Path"]) / "server.properties"): # If no server.properties reboot to apply the changes
# Wait the creation of the properties fle
while not isfile(Path(conf["Path"]) / "server.properties"):
kill() # Kill the server
# Wait for processe full exit
while server.isalive():
start() # Start again the server
# Wait the log file to be archived
while open(Path(conf["Path"])/"logs"/"latest.log", "r").read() != "":
return "Ok"
abort(400, "Server is running")
def stop():
Stop the server
:return: The result of the /stop command or 400 error if server is not running
if server and server.isalive(): # Check if server is running
return cmd("/stop") # Launch /stop command
abort(400, "Server is not running")
def kill():
Kill the server
:return: Ok or 400 if the server is not running
if server and server.isalive(): # Check if the server is running
server.terminate() # Kill the process
return "Ok"
abort(400, "Server is not running")
@app.route("/cmd", methods=["POST"])
def cmd(command=None):
Execute a command by stdin on the server
:param command: The command to execute
:return: Ok or 400 if server is not running
if not command:
command = request.json["command"]
except (json.JSONDecodeError, KeyError):
raise TypeError
if server and server.isalive():
return "Ok"
abort(400, "Server is not running")
@app.route("/rcmd", methods=["POST"])
def rcmd(command=None):
Execute a command by Rcon on the server
:param command: The command to execute
:return: The result of the command or 400 error if server not running also if Rcon connexion fail
if not command:
command = request.json["command"]
except (json.JSONDecodeError, KeyError):
raise TypeError
if server and server.isalive(): # Check if server is running
try: # In case of Rcon connexion fail
with mcr: # Open a Rco connexion
resp = mcr.command(command) # Send the command
except (TimeoutError, ConnectionRefusedError):
abort(400, "Server did not respond")
return str(resp)
abort(400, "Server is not running")
def logs():
Get the server logs
:return: Server last logs or 400 error if server is not running
if server and server.isalive(): # Check if server is running
return open(Path(conf["Path"])/"logs"/"latest.log", "r").read() # Send the content of the server logs
abort(400, "Server is not running")
@app.route("/config", methods=["GET"])
def get_config():
Get configuration
:return: The Json configuration
return jsonify(conf)
@app.route("/config", methods=["PUT"])
def update_config():
Update the configuration
:return: The updated Json configuration
for p in request.json: # For every entry on the request
if p in conf: # Check if it match wth the configuration
conf[p] = request.json[p] # Update the configuration
# Save configuration changes
with open("config.json", "w") as conf_file:
json.dump(conf, conf_file)
return jsonify(conf)