Rework of reaction message command, add of reaction list command and some fix

This commit is contained in:
Ethanell 2019-08-10 21:12:17 +02:00
parent beab3ef0c3
commit 8358da4e53

View file

@ -1,17 +1,40 @@
import shelve
from discord import NotFound, InvalidArgument, Embed
from discord import NotFound, InvalidArgument, HTTPException, Embed
from discord.ext import commands
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="%") # Set bot object and command prefix
bot.remove_command("help") # Override default help command
async def find_message(guild, message_id):
"""guild: guild object, messgae_id: (in) message id
Find a message on a guild"""
message = None
for c in guild.text_channels:
try: # Check message id
message = await c.fetch_message(int(message_id))
except NotFound:
return message
async def clean_reaction(message, emoji):
"""message: message object, emoji, target emoji
Clean all reaction of a specific message and emoji"""
for r in message.reactions:
if str(r) == emoji:
async for u in r.users():
await r.remove(u)
def set_config(guild, conf):
"""guild : guild object, conf: shelve object
Set configuration for server on configuration file"""
print(f"Set config for {}")
conf[str(] = dict() # Create default dictionary
for opt in [["default_role_id", ""], ["reaction_messages", dict()]]: # Set up each option in configuration file
for opt in [["default_role_id", ""], ["reaction", dict()]]: # Set up each option in configuration file
conf[str(][opt[0]] = opt[1]
@ -39,7 +62,7 @@ async def on_member_join(member):
"""member: member object
If available, add a default role to new members of guild"""
with"config.conf") as conf:
if "default_role_id" in conf[str(] and conf[str(]["default_role_id"]:
if conf[str(]["default_role_id"]:
role = member.guild.get_role(conf[str(]["default_role_id"][0]) # Get the role from guild
await member.add_roles(role)
@ -69,18 +92,19 @@ async def reaction_role(message_id, guild, emoji, member, state):
with"config.conf") as conf:
# Avoid bot user and check if message and reaction are in configuration
if not and \
"reaction_messages" in conf[str(] and \
message_id in conf[str(]["reaction_messages"] and \
emoji in conf[str(]["reaction_messages"][message_id]:
"reaction" in conf[str(] and \
message_id in conf[str(]["reaction"] and \
emoji in conf[str(]["reaction"][message_id]:
# If member has default new role, give him default role
def_new_role = guild.get_role(conf[str(]["default_role_id"][0])
if def_new_role in member.roles:
def_role = guild.get_role(conf[str(]["default_role_id"][1])
await member.remove_roles(def_new_role)
await member.add_roles(def_role)
if conf[str(]["default_role_id"]:
def_new_role = guild.get_role(conf[str(]["default_role_id"][0])
if def_new_role in member.roles:
def_role = guild.get_role(conf[str(]["default_role_id"][1])
await member.remove_roles(def_new_role)
await member.add_roles(def_role)
role = guild.get_role(conf[str(]["reaction_messages"][message_id][emoji]) # Get the target role
role = guild.get_role(conf[str(]["reaction"][message_id][emoji]) # Get the target role
# State-dependent action
if state:
@ -94,15 +118,16 @@ async def reaction_role(message_id, guild, emoji, member, state):
async def help_cmd(ctx):
embed = Embed(title="Help", description="", color=0xffff00)
embed.add_field(name="Set default role", value="``set_default_roles @new_default @default`` to set new member "
"default role and default role, if any role mentioned this disable "
"default role and default role, if no role mentioned this disable "
"the option")
embed.add_field(name="Default roles", value="``default_role`` show the default roles")
embed.add_field(name="Reaction message", value="""``reaction_message <action> <message id> <...>``
embed.add_field(name="Reaction", value="""``reaction <action> <...>``
**__actions :__**
``set <message id>`` to set a reaction message
``unset <message id>`` to unset a reaction message
``add <message id> <reaction emoji> @role`` to add a reaction on set message
``remove <message id> <reaction emoji>`` to remove a reaction on set message""")
``add <message id> <reaction emoji> @role`` to add/edit a reaction on message
``remove <message id> <reaction emoji>`` to remove a reaction on message
``remove-all <message id>`` to remove all reactions of a message""")
embed.add_field(name="Reaction list", value="``reaction_list`` show the list of message with role reaction on the "
"guild ")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
@ -166,62 +191,65 @@ async def default_role_error(ctx, error):
async def reaction_message(ctx, action=None, message_id=None, reaction=None):
async def reaction(ctx, action, message_id, emoji=None):
"""ctx: context object, action: (str) command action, message_id: (str) the message id,
reaction: (str) reaction emoji
emoji: (str) reaction emoji
Set or unset a reaction message and add reaction emoji link with roles"""
if action not in ["set", "unset", "add", "remove"]: # Check if action is correct
if action not in ["add", "remove", "remove-all"]: # Check if action is correct
raise commands.BadArgument("argument")
try: # Check message id
message = await ctx.fetch_message(int(message_id))
except (TypeError, ValueError, NotFound):
message_id = int(message_id)
message = await find_message(ctx.guild, message_id)
if not message:
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
raise commands.BadArgument("message id")
with"config.conf", writeback=True) as conf:
if action == "set": # Set a reaction message
if in conf[str(]["reaction_messages"]: # Check if not already set
raise commands.BadArgument("already set")
conf[str(]["reaction_messages"][] = dict() # Add to configuration
await ctx.send("Message set :white_check_mark:")
elif action == "unset": # Unset a reaction message
try: # Check if the message is set when remove
del conf[str(]["reaction_messages"][]
except KeyError:
raise commands.BadArgument("not set")
await ctx.send("Message remove :wastebasket:")
else: # Add and Remove reaction actions
if not in conf[str(]["reaction_messages"]: # Check if message is set
raise commands.BadArgument("not set")
if action == "add": # Add reaction
if len(ctx.message.role_mentions) != 1: # Check if correct mentioned role
raise commands.BadArgument("role")
try: # Add reaction to message and check if given emoji is correct
await message.add_reaction(reaction)
except InvalidArgument:
raise commands.BadArgument("reaction")
else: # Add reaction and role to configuration
conf[str(]["reaction_messages"][][reaction] =\
await ctx.send("Reaction add :white_check_mark:")
if action == "remove": # Remove a reaction
try: # Remove reaction from message and check if given emoji is correct
await message.remove_reaction(reaction, bot.user)
except (InvalidArgument, NotFound):
raise commands.BadArgument("reaction")
else: # Delete reaction from configuration
del conf[str(]["reaction_messages"][][reaction]
await ctx.send("Reaction remove :wastebasket:")
with"config.conf", writeback=True) as conf:
if not in conf[str(]["reaction"]: # Check if not already set
conf[str(]["reaction"][] = dict() # Add to configuration
if action == "add": # Add reaction
if len(ctx.message.role_mentions) != 1: # Check if correct mentioned role
raise commands.BadArgument("role")
try: # Add reaction to message and check if given emoji is correct
await message.add_reaction(emoji)
except (InvalidArgument, NotFound, HTTPException):
raise commands.BadArgument("reaction")
else: # Add reaction and role to configuration
conf[str(]["reaction"][][emoji] =\
await ctx.send("Reaction add :white_check_mark:")
elif action == "remove": # Remove a reaction
try: # Remove reaction from message and check if given emoji is correct
await message.remove_reaction(emoji, bot.user)
await clean_reaction(message, emoji)
except (InvalidArgument, NotFound, HTTPException):
raise commands.BadArgument("reaction")
else: # Delete reaction from configuration
del conf[str(]["reaction"][][emoji]
if len(conf[str(]["reaction"][]) == 0: # Clean if no reaction left
del conf[str(]["reaction"][]
await ctx.send("Reaction remove :wastebasket:")
elif action == "remove-all": # Remove all reactions
for r in conf[str(]["reaction"][]:
try: # Remove all reaction from message
await message.remove_reaction(r, bot.user)
await clean_reaction(message, r)
except (InvalidArgument, NotFound, HTTPException):
del conf[str(]["reaction"][]
await ctx.send("All reactions remove :wastebasket:")
async def reaction_message_error(ctx, error):
async def reaction_error(ctx, error):
"""ctx: context object, error: raised error
Manage reaction_message command errors"""
Manage reaction command errors"""
err = {"argument": "Invalid arguments !", "message id": "Invalid message id", "already set": "Message already set",
"not set": "Message not set", "role": "Invalid mentioned role", "reaction": "Invalid reaction"} # Database
if str(error) in err:
@ -230,6 +258,44 @@ async def reaction_message_error(ctx, error):
await ctx.send("You are missing Administrator permission to run this command ! :no_entry:")
async def reaction_list(ctx):
"""ctx: context object
Show a list of all message with reaction role on the guild"""
embed = Embed(title="Reaction list", description="", color=0xffff00)
with"config.conf", writeback=True) as conf:
for m in conf[str(]["reaction"]: # All message in configuration
message = await find_message(ctx.guild, m)
if not message: # Clean if message not found
del conf[str(]["reaction"][m]
reactions = str()
for r in conf[str(]["reaction"][m]: # All reaction of message
role = ctx.guild.get_role(conf[str(]['reaction'][m][r])
if not role: # Clean if can't get role
await clean_reaction(message, r)
del conf[str(]['reaction'][m][r]
reactions += f"{r} - ``{}``\n"
if len(conf[str(]["reaction"][m]) == 0: # Clean if any reaction left
del conf[str(]["reaction"][m]
embed.add_field(name=f"{m} [{}]", value=reactions, inline=False)
if len(embed.fields) == 0:
embed.add_field(name="Empty", value="No message with reaction on this guild :/")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def reaction_list_error(ctx, error):
"""ctx: context object, error: raised error
Manage reaction_list command errors"""
if isinstance(error, commands.errors.MissingPermissions):
await ctx.send("You are missing Administrator permission to run this command ! :no_entry:")
async def shutdown(ctx):