import * as core from "@actions/core"; import * as fs from "fs"; import { BearerCredentialHandler } from "typed-rest-client/Handlers"; import { HttpClient, HttpCodes } from "typed-rest-client/HttpClient"; import { IHttpClientResponse } from "typed-rest-client/Interfaces"; import { IRequestOptions, RestClient, IRestResponse } from "typed-rest-client/RestClient"; import { ArtifactCacheEntry, CommitCacheRequest, ReserveCacheRequest, ReserveCacheResponse } from "./contracts"; import * as utils from "./utils/actionUtils"; function isSuccessStatusCode(statusCode: number): boolean { return statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300; } function isRetryableStatusCode(statusCode: number): boolean { const retryableStatusCodes = [ HttpCodes.BadGateway, HttpCodes.ServiceUnavailable, HttpCodes.GatewayTimeout ]; return retryableStatusCodes.includes(statusCode); } function getCacheApiUrl(): string { // Ideally we just use ACTIONS_CACHE_URL const baseUrl: string = ( process.env["ACTIONS_CACHE_URL"] || process.env["ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL"] || "" ).replace("pipelines", "artifactcache"); if (!baseUrl) { throw new Error( "Cache Service Url not found, unable to restore cache." ); } core.debug(`Cache Url: ${baseUrl}`); return `${baseUrl}_apis/artifactcache/`; } function createAcceptHeader(type: string, apiVersion: string): string { return `${type};api-version=${apiVersion}`; } function getRequestOptions(): IRequestOptions { const requestOptions: IRequestOptions = { acceptHeader: createAcceptHeader("application/json", "6.0-preview.1") }; return requestOptions; } function createRestClient(): RestClient { const token = process.env["ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN"] || ""; const bearerCredentialHandler = new BearerCredentialHandler(token); return new RestClient("actions/cache", getCacheApiUrl(), [ bearerCredentialHandler ]); } export async function getCacheEntry( keys: string[] ): Promise { const restClient = createRestClient(); const resource = `cache?keys=${encodeURIComponent(keys.join(","))}`; const response = await restClient.get( resource, getRequestOptions() ); if (response.statusCode === 204) { return null; } if (!isSuccessStatusCode(response.statusCode)) { throw new Error(`Cache service responded with ${response.statusCode}`); } const cacheResult = response.result; const cacheDownloadUrl = cacheResult?.archiveLocation; if (!cacheDownloadUrl) { throw new Error("Cache not found."); } core.setSecret(cacheDownloadUrl); core.debug(`Cache Result:`); core.debug(JSON.stringify(cacheResult)); return cacheResult; } async function pipeResponseToStream( response: IHttpClientResponse, stream: NodeJS.WritableStream ): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { response.message.pipe(stream).on("close", () => { resolve(); }); }); } export async function downloadCache( archiveLocation: string, archivePath: string ): Promise { const stream = fs.createWriteStream(archivePath); const httpClient = new HttpClient("actions/cache"); const downloadResponse = await httpClient.get(archiveLocation); await pipeResponseToStream(downloadResponse, stream); } // Reserve Cache export async function reserveCache(key: string): Promise { const restClient = createRestClient(); const reserveCacheRequest: ReserveCacheRequest = { key }; const response = await restClient.create( "caches", reserveCacheRequest, getRequestOptions() ); return response?.result?.cacheId ?? -1; } function getContentRange(start: number, end: number): string { // Format: `bytes start-end/filesize // start and end are inclusive // filesize can be * // For a 200 byte chunk starting at byte 0: // Content-Range: bytes 0-199/* return `bytes ${start}-${end}/*`; } async function uploadChunk( restClient: RestClient, resourceUrl: string, data: NodeJS.ReadableStream, start: number, end: number ): Promise { core.debug( `Uploading chunk of size ${end - start + 1} bytes at offset ${start} with content range: ${getContentRange( start, end )}` ); const requestOptions = getRequestOptions(); requestOptions.additionalHeaders = { "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream", "Content-Range": getContentRange(start, end) }; const uploadChunkRequest = async (): Promise> => { return await restClient.uploadStream( "PATCH", resourceUrl, data, requestOptions ); }; const response = await uploadChunkRequest(); if (isSuccessStatusCode(response.statusCode)) { return; } if (isRetryableStatusCode(response.statusCode)) { core.debug( `Received ${response.statusCode}, retrying chunk at offset ${start}.` ); const retryResponse = await uploadChunkRequest(); if (isSuccessStatusCode(retryResponse.statusCode)) { return; } } throw new Error( `Cache service responded with ${response.statusCode} during chunk upload.` ); } function parseEnvNumber(key: string): number | undefined { const value = Number(process.env[key]); if (Number.isNaN(value) || value < 0) { return undefined; } return value; } async function uploadFile( restClient: RestClient, cacheId: number, archivePath: string ): Promise { // Upload Chunks const fileSize = fs.statSync(archivePath).size; const resourceUrl = getCacheApiUrl() + "caches/" + cacheId.toString(); const fd = fs.openSync(archivePath, "r"); const concurrency = parseEnvNumber("CACHE_UPLOAD_CONCURRENCY") ?? 4; // # of HTTP requests in parallel const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = parseEnvNumber("CACHE_UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE") ?? 32 * 1024 * 1024; // 32 MB Chunks core.debug(`Concurrency: ${concurrency} and Chunk Size: ${MAX_CHUNK_SIZE}`); const parallelUploads = [ Array(concurrency).keys()]; core.debug("Awaiting all uploads"); let offset = 0; try { await Promise.all( () => { while (offset < fileSize) { const chunkSize = Math.min( fileSize - offset, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE ); const start = offset; const end = offset + chunkSize - 1; offset += MAX_CHUNK_SIZE; const chunk = fs.createReadStream(archivePath, { fd, start, end, autoClose: false }); await uploadChunk( restClient, resourceUrl, chunk, start, end ); } }) ); } finally { fs.closeSync(fd); } return; } async function commitCache( restClient: RestClient, cacheId: number, filesize: number ): Promise> { const requestOptions = getRequestOptions(); const commitCacheRequest: CommitCacheRequest = { size: filesize }; return await restClient.create( `caches/${cacheId.toString()}`, commitCacheRequest, requestOptions ); } export async function saveCache( cacheId: number, archivePath: string ): Promise { const restClient = createRestClient(); core.debug("Upload cache"); await uploadFile(restClient, cacheId, archivePath); // Commit Cache core.debug("Commiting cache"); const cacheSize = utils.getArchiveFileSize(archivePath); const commitCacheResponse = await commitCache( restClient, cacheId, cacheSize ); if (!isSuccessStatusCode(commitCacheResponse.statusCode)) { throw new Error( `Cache service responded with ${commitCacheResponse.statusCode} during commit cache.` ); }"Cache saved successfully"); }