import * as core from "@actions/core"; import * as path from "path"; import * as cacheHttpClient from "./cacheHttpClient"; import { Events, Inputs, State } from "./constants"; import { createTar } from "./tar"; import * as utils from "./utils/actionUtils"; async function run(): Promise { try { if (!utils.isValidEvent()) { utils.logWarning( `Event Validation Error: The event type ${ process.env[Events.Key] } is not supported. Only ${utils .getSupportedEvents() .join(", ")} events are supported at this time.` ); return; } const state = utils.getCacheState(); // Inputs are re-evaluted before the post action, so we want the original key used for restore const primaryKey = core.getState(State.CacheKey); if (!primaryKey) { utils.logWarning(`Error retrieving key from state.`); return; } if (utils.isExactKeyMatch(primaryKey, state)) { `Cache hit occurred on the primary key ${primaryKey}, not saving cache.` ); return; } core.debug("Reserving Cache"); const cacheId = await cacheHttpClient.reserveCache(primaryKey); if (cacheId == -1) { `Unable to reserve cache with key ${primaryKey}, another job may be creating this cache.` ); return; } core.debug(`Cache ID: ${cacheId}`); const cachePath = utils.resolvePath( core.getInput(Inputs.Path, { required: true }) ); core.debug(`Cache Path: ${cachePath}`); const archivePath = path.join( await utils.createTempDirectory(), "cache.tgz" ); core.debug(`Archive Path: ${archivePath}`); await createTar(archivePath, cachePath); const fileSizeLimit = 5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 5GB per repo limit const archiveFileSize = utils.getArchiveFileSize(archivePath); core.debug(`File Size: ${archiveFileSize}`); if (archiveFileSize > fileSizeLimit) { utils.logWarning( `Cache size of ~${Math.round( archiveFileSize / (1024 * 1024) )} MB (${archiveFileSize} B) is over the 5GB limit, not saving cache.` ); return; } core.debug(`Saving Cache (ID: ${cacheId})`); await cacheHttpClient.saveCache(cacheId, archivePath); } catch (error) { utils.logWarning(error.message); } } run(); export default run;