import { Game } from "./Game.js" const req = new XMLHttpRequest(); const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); const menu = document.getElementById("menu"); const menuLevel = document.querySelector(".menu-level"); const gameZone = document.getElementById("game"); const score = document.getElementById("score"); const lives = document.getElementById("lives"); const gameOver = document.getElementById("gameovermodal"); const scoreBoard = document.getElementById("scoreboard"); const playerName = document.querySelector("input"); const speed = document.getElementById("speed"); const audio = new Audio("sources/sound/main.mp3"); const startSound = new Audio("sources/sound/onStart.mp3"); const eatSound = new Audio("sources/sound/onEat.mp3"); const dieSound = new Audio("sources/sound/onDie.mp3"); const gameOverSound = new Audio("sources/sound/onGameOver.mp3"); const game = new Game(canvas); const scores = []; let inGame = false; let gameOverModal; audio.loop = true; audio.volume = 0.1; startSound.volume = 0.2; eatSound.volume = 0.2; dieSound.volume = 0.2; gameOverSound.volume = 0.2;"GET", "sources/levels.json"); req.onerror = () => console.error("Fail to load XML request"); req.onload = () => { let levels; if (req.status === 200) levels = JSON.parse(req.responseText); else levels = null; loadLevels(levels); }; req.send(); game.onStart = () => { inGame = true; updateLives(game.lives); updateScore(game.score); menu.classList.add("invisible"); gameZone.classList.remove("invisible"); canvas.width = gameZone.clientWidth; canvas.height = gameZone.clientHeight; }; game.onStop = () => { inGame = false; menu.classList.remove("invisible"); gameZone.classList.add("invisible"); }; game.onEat = (score) => {; updateScore(score); updateLives(game.lives); }; game.onDie = lives => { dieSound.currentTime = 0;; updateLives(lives); }; game.onGameOver = (score) => { dieSound.pause();; gameOver.querySelector("span").innerText = score;; updateLives(0); if (score > 0) { scores.push({name: playerName.value, score: score}); reloadScoreBoard(); } }; function loadLevels(levels) { if (!levels) { menuLevel.innerHTML = ""; menuLevel.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "") } else { for (const [name, level] of Object.entries(levels)) { const b = document.createElement("button"); b.classList.add("col", "s8", "offset-s2"); b.innerText = name; menuLevel.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", b); b.addEventListener("click", () => loadGame(level)) } } } function loadGame(data) { try { game.load(data); game.start();; } catch (e) { alert("Error on level loading: "+e); window.location.reload(); } } function updateScore(s) { score.innerText = `Score: ${s}`; speed.innerText = `Speed: ${game.snakeSpeed} ms`; } function updateLives(l) { lives.innerText = `Lives: ${l}`; } function reloadScoreBoard() { scoreBoard.querySelectorAll("div").forEach(d => d.remove()); for (const s of scores.sort((a, b) => a.score - b.score).reverse()) { const e = document.createElement("div"); e.classList.add("row-score"); const p1 = document.createElement("p"); p1.classList.add("player-score"); p1.innerText = s.score; e.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", p1); const p2 = document.createElement("p"); p2.classList.add("pseudo"); p2.innerText = ? : "Unknown"; e.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", p2); scoreBoard.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", e); } } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { M.AutoInit(); gameOverModal = M.Modal.getInstance(gameOver); }); document.addEventListener("keydown", ev => { if (inGame && ev.key === "Escape") alert("Game in pause..."); }); audio.addEventListener("canplaythrough", () => {; }); scoreBoard.addEventListener("mouseover", () => { scoreBoard.classList.remove("close"); }); scoreBoard.addEventListener("mouseout", () => { scoreBoard.classList.add("close"); }); playerName.addEventListener("focusin", () => { playerName.placeholder = ""; }); playerName.addEventListener("focusout", () => { playerName.placeholder = "Choose a nickname :"; });