import logging, shelve, datetime, hashlib from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher, executor, types from aiogram.types import InlineQuery, InputTextMessageContent, InlineQueryResultArticle, ParseMode, reply_keyboard from aiogram.utils import markdown from ics import Calendar from ics.parse import ParseError from requests import get from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, InvalidSchema, MissingSchema from threading import RLock API_TOKEN = open("token.ini").read() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) bot = Bot(token=API_TOKEN) dp = Dispatcher(bot) dbL = RLock() def edt(text, user_id): with dbL: with"edt") as db: if not str(user_id) in db: return markdown.bold("Your EDT is not set !") now = if text.lower() == "week": firstdate = - datetime.timedelta(days=now.isoweekday()-1) lastdate = + datetime.timedelta(days=(7 - now.isoweekday())) elif text.lower() == "next": now += datetime.timedelta(days=7) firstdate = - datetime.timedelta(days=now.isoweekday()) lastdate = + datetime.timedelta(days=(7 - now.isoweekday())) elif text == "" or text.lower() == "day": firstdate, lastdate =, else: return markdown.bold("Invalid choice !") url = f"{db[str(user_id)]}&firstDate={firstdate}&lastDate={lastdate}" c = Calendar(get(url).text) msg = list() days = list() for e in list(c.timeline): begin = e.begin.datetime end = e.end.datetime if not in days: days.append( msg.append(markdown.bold(f"<{str([5:]}>")) msg.append(markdown.code(f"📓[{}]:")) msg.append(markdown.text(f"⌚️ {str(begin.time())[:-3]} -> {str(end.time())[:-3]}")) prof = markdown.text(e.description.split('\n')[3]) msg.append(markdown.italic(f"📍 {e.location} 👨‍🏫 {prof}" + "\n")) if len(msg) == 0: msg.append(markdown.italic("but nobody came...")) return markdown.text(*msg, sep="\n") @dp.message_handler(commands=["start", "help"]) async def send_welcome(message: types.Message): msg = markdown.text( markdown.text("💠 Welcome to the TelegramEDT, a calendar bot for the Lyon 1 University ! 💠\n"), markdown.text(markdown.code("/edt [day | week | next]"), markdown.text(", for show your next course")), markdown.text(markdown.code("/setedt "), markdown.text(", to setup your calendar")), markdown.text(markdown.code("/getedt"), markdown.text(", to get your calendar url")), markdown.text(markdown.code("/help"), markdown.text(", to show this command")), sep="\n" ) await message.reply(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) @dp.message_handler(commands=["edt"]) @dp.message_handler(lambda msg: msg.text.lower() in ["day", "week", "next"]) async def edt_cmd(message: types.Message): text = message.text if message.text[:4] == "/edt": text = message.text[5:] resp = edt(text, key = reply_keyboard.ReplyKeyboardMarkup() key.add(reply_keyboard.KeyboardButton("Day")) key.add(reply_keyboard.KeyboardButton("Week")) key.add(reply_keyboard.KeyboardButton("Next")) await message.reply(resp, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=key) @dp.inline_handler() async def inline_echo(inline_query: InlineQuery): text = inline_query.query if text not in ["week", "next", ""]: text = "invalid" res = edt(text, input_content = InputTextMessageContent(res) result_id: str = hashlib.md5(res.encode()).hexdigest() item = InlineQueryResultArticle( id=result_id, title=f"Your {text} course", input_message_content=input_content ) await bot.answer_inline_query(, results=[item], cache_time=1) @dp.message_handler(commands=["setedt"]) async def edt_set(message: types.Message): url_http = message.text.find("http") url_end = message.text.find(" ", url_http) if url_end == -1: url_end = None url = message.text[url_http:url_end] try: Calendar(get(url).text) except (ParseError, ConnectionError, InvalidSchema, MissingSchema): await message.reply("Invalid URL !") else: if "calType=vcal" in url: url = url[:url.find("vcal")] + "ical" elif "firstDate" in url: url = url[:url.find("&firstDate")] with dbL: with"edt") as db: db[str(] = url await message.reply("EDT set !") @dp.message_handler(commands=["getedt"]) async def edt_geturl(message: types.Message): with dbL: with"edt") as db: if str( in db: await message.reply(db[str(]) else: await message.reply("No EDT set !") if __name__ == '__main__': executor.start_polling(dp, skip_updates=True)