import logging, shelve, datetime, hashlib, asyncio from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher, executor, types from aiogram.types import InlineQuery, InputTextMessageContent, InlineQueryResultArticle, ParseMode, reply_keyboard from aiogram.utils import markdown from ics import Calendar from ics.parse import ParseError from requests import get from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, InvalidSchema, MissingSchema from threading import RLock from asyncio import sleep API_TOKEN = open("token.ini").read() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) bot = Bot(token=API_TOKEN) dp = Dispatcher(bot) dbL = RLock() def edt(text, user_id): with dbL: with"edt", writeback=True) as db: if str(user_id) not in db or "url" not in db[str(user_id)]: return markdown.bold("Your EDT is not set ! ❌") now = if text.lower() == "week": firstdate = - datetime.timedelta(days=now.isoweekday()-1) lastdate = + datetime.timedelta(days=(7 - now.isoweekday())) elif text.lower() == "next": now += datetime.timedelta(days=7) firstdate = - datetime.timedelta(days=now.isoweekday()) lastdate = + datetime.timedelta(days=(7 - now.isoweekday())) elif text == "" or text.lower() == "day": firstdate, lastdate =, else: return markdown.bold("Invalid choice ! ❌") url = f"{db[str(user_id)]['url']}&firstDate={firstdate}&lastDate={lastdate}" c = Calendar(get(url).text) msg = list() days = list() for e in list(c.timeline): begin = e.begin.datetime.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).astimezone(tz=None) end = e.end.datetime.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).astimezone(tz=None) if not in days: days.append( msg.append(markdown.bold(f"<{str([5:]}>")) msg.append(markdown.code(f"📓[{}]:")) msg.append(markdown.text(f"⌚ī¸ {str(begin.time())[:-3]} -> {str(end.time())[:-3]}")) prof = markdown.text(e.description.split('\n')[3]) msg.append(markdown.italic(f"📍 {e.location} 👨‍đŸĢ {prof}" + "\n")) if len(msg) == 0: msg.append(markdown.italic("but nobody came...")) return markdown.text(*msg, sep="\n") async def notif(): while True: with dbL: with"edt", writeback=True) as db: for u in db: if ("url" in db[u]) and ("notif" in db[u]) and (db[u]["notif"]["state"]): now = c = Calendar(get(f"{db[u]['url']}&firstDate={}&lastDate={}").text) for e in event = e.begin.datetime.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).astimezone(tz=None) if (event - now).seconds/60 <= db[u]["notif"]["time"] and\ (now - db[u]["notif"]["last"]).seconds/60 >= db[u]["notif"]["cooldown"]: db[u]["notif"]["last"] = now msg = markdown.text( markdown.text("🔔"), markdown.code(, markdown.text("in"), markdown.bold((event - now).seconds//60), markdown.text("minutes !"), sep="\n" ) await bot.send_message(int(u), msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) await sleep(60) @dp.message_handler(commands=["start", "help"]) async def send_welcome(message: types.Message): with dbL: with"edt", writeback=True) as db: if str( not in db: db[str(] = dict() msg = markdown.text( markdown.text("💠 Welcome to the TelegramEDT, a calendar bot for the Lyon 1 University ! 💠\n"), markdown.text( markdown.text("🗓"), markdown.code("/edt [day | week | next]"), markdown.text(", for show your next course") ), markdown.text( markdown.text("🔔"), markdown.code("/notif "), markdown.text(", setup notifications") ), markdown.text( markdown.text("⚙ī¸"), markdown.code("/setedt "), markdown.text(", to setup your calendar") ), markdown.text( markdown.text("🔗"), markdown.code("/getedt"), markdown.text(", to get your calendar url") ), markdown.text( markdown.text("ℹī¸"), markdown.code("/help"), markdown.text(", to show this command") ), sep="\n" ) await message.reply(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) @dp.message_handler(commands=["edt"]) @dp.message_handler(lambda msg: msg.text.lower() in ["day", "week", "next"]) async def edt_cmd(message: types.Message): text = message.text if message.text[:4] == "/edt": text = message.text[5:] resp = edt(text, key = reply_keyboard.ReplyKeyboardMarkup() key.add(reply_keyboard.KeyboardButton("Day")) key.add(reply_keyboard.KeyboardButton("Week")) key.add(reply_keyboard.KeyboardButton("Next")) await message.reply(resp, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=key) @dp.inline_handler() async def inline_echo(inline_query: InlineQuery): text = inline_query.query if text not in ["day", "week", "next", ""]: text = "invalid" res = edt(text, input_content = InputTextMessageContent(res) result_id: str = hashlib.md5(res.encode()).hexdigest() item = InlineQueryResultArticle( id=result_id, title=f"Your {text} course", input_message_content=input_content ) await bot.answer_inline_query(, results=[item], cache_time=1) @dp.message_handler(commands=["setedt"]) async def edt_set(message: types.Message): url_http = message.text.find("http") url_end = message.text.find(" ", url_http) if url_end == -1: url_end = None url = message.text[url_http:url_end] try: Calendar(get(url).text) except (ParseError, ConnectionError, InvalidSchema, MissingSchema, ValueError): msg = markdown.bold("Invalid URL ! ❌") else: if "calType=vcal" in url: url = url[:url.find("vcal")] + "ical" elif "firstDate" in url: url = url[:url.find("&firstDate")] with dbL: with"edt", writeback=True) as db: db[str(]["url"] = url msg = markdown.text("EDT set ✅") await message.reply(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) @dp.message_handler(commands=["getedt"]) async def edt_geturl(message: types.Message): with dbL: with"edt", writeback=True) as db: if (str( in db) and ("url" in db[str(]): await message.reply(db[str(]["url"]) else: await message.reply("No EDT set ! ❌") @dp.message_handler(commands=["notif"]) async def notif_cmd(message: types.Message): with dbL: with"edt", writeback=True) as db: if "notif" not in db[str(]: db[str(]["notif"] = dict() db[str(]["notif"]["state"] = False db[str(]["notif"]["time"] = 20 db[str(]["notif"]["cooldown"] = 20 last = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=20) db[str(]["notif"]["last"] = last if message.text[7:10] == "set": if db[str(]["notif"]["state"]: res = False else: res = True db[str(]["notif"]["state"] = res msg = markdown.text( markdown.text("Notifications set on "), markdown.code(res), markdown.text("✅") ) elif message.text[7:11] == "time" or message.text[7:15] == "cooldown": cut = 11 if message.text[7:11] == "time" else 15 try: int(message.text[cut+1:]) except ValueError: msg = markdown.bold("Invalid number ! ❌") else: db[str(]["notif"][message.text[7:cut]] = int(message.text[cut+1:]) msg = markdown.text( markdown.text("Notification"), markdown.code(message.text[7:cut]), markdown.text("set to"), markdown.bold(message.text[cut+1:]), markdown.text("✅") ) elif message.text[7:11] == "info": msg = markdown.text( markdown.code("Notification:"), markdown.text( markdown.bold("State:"), markdown.text(db[str(]["notif"]["state"]) ), markdown.text( markdown.bold("Time:"), markdown.text(db[str(]["notif"]["time"]) ), markdown.text( markdown.bold("Cooldown:"), markdown.text(db[str(]["notif"]["cooldown"]) ), sep="\n" ) else: msg = markdown.bold("Invalid action ! ❌") await message.reply(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) if __name__ == '__main__': loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(notif()) loop.create_task(executor.start_polling(dp, skip_updates=True)) loop.run_forever()